by Miss Libby
Posted on Fri Nov 10 2017
This info was originally posted Prior to the meeting with the BOC. Big Trace turnout (nine residents spoke for an appeal) and Lee County BOC did vote unanimously to appeal to the NC Supreme Court. From Kay Cole: Here is an update to how this meeting will work. Please plan to attend the January 2 meeting of the Lee County Board of Commissioners at 6 p.m. at the Lee Government Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive. County Commissioners - at the beginning of the meeting - will take public comments. If you wish to encourage Commissioners to vote to appeal the Court of Appeals Little River Quarry decision to the Supreme Court you can sign up to speak (up to 3 minutes) before the start of their meeting. After public comment, Commissioners will take up regular business. There are only a few matters on their agenda. When they finish regular business, the Commissioners will go into Executive Session (closed to the public) with their attorneys to discuss the Little River court ruling. Commissioners then will return to OPEN SESSION to make any motions and to take any votes. This will be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Under the Open Meetings law, all official business must be conducted IN PUBLIC. So, please plan to attend and stay for the entire County Commission meeting. ...
Read Moreby Miss Libby
Posted on Thu Nov 09 2017
(Original post was Dec, 20th) Dear Trace fishermen and lake lovers, This e-mail below from Kay Coles was received via CTA Secretary David Smoak to all CTA Directors regarding the Sanford Herald article saying that the Court of Appeals reversed two decisions in OUR favor of denying a quarry a permit to do business across the road from Carolina Trace. We already got a Lee County Superior Court ruling in favor of NOT granting a permit, and previously the LC Board of Adjustment who voted 4 to 1 to NOT grant LLQ, LLC a permit. I plan to attend the Jan 2nd meeting to see how the LCBOC intend to deal with this slap in the face. They have already extended a 2 year moratorium on fracking (and mining permits). Here is info from our legal contact.
You may have heard by now that the North Carolina Court of Appeals ruled that Little River LLC made a sufficient case to be granted a special use permit to build its proposed 377 acre quarry immediately west of Highway 87. It was a totally skewed decision that totally ignored any evidence offered by us or our experts.
And it flies in the face of logic for the Court of Appeals to say, "If an applicant just says he will meet the standards, he must be given a permit" despite what the evidence is to the contrary.
The Lee County Commission is meeting January 2 at 6 p.m. at the County Government Center (106 Hillcrest in Sanford). The Commission will, at that time, discuss and decide whether to appeal this onerous ruling to the North Carolina Supreme Court.
We want to encourage them to appeal this decision. Please, if you can, plan to attend the County Commission meeting on January 2.
Too, you can contact County Commissioners in advance to tell them how disastrous this Court of Appeals ruling is and ...
Read Moreby Miss Libby
Posted on Wed Oct 11 2017
Mark your calendars and attend if you can. This came in yesterday from the CTA Secretary:
Two important events impacting the potential future of the Little River Quarry and our community are moving forward and we wish to provide an update.
First, on October 16th, the Lee County Board of Commissioners unanimously approved, on first reading, a 2 year extension of the moratorium on new mines (quarries) and hydraulic fracturing. It is important to note that this action would stop a new application for a future quarry at the Little River site west of Highway 87 near Carolina Trace in the immediate future. The two year time frame allows the County Commission, and the Lee County Planning Board, to consider the updated Lee County Land Use Plan. Too, it provides time for a review of the safety standards needed to protect the public health and welfare in the vicinity of mines and quarries. County commissioners will take a final vote on the moratorium at their meeting on November 4.
Next, on Wednesday, November 1, the North Carolina Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments on Little River LLC's appeal of the Lee County Superior Court decision affirming the Lee County Board of Adjustment's decision to deny the special use permit for the quarry. The Court of Appeals hearing will be in Raleigh at the Court of Appeals building at One West Morgan Street beginning at 1 p.m. The hearing is open to the public and a strong show of support from our community to the judges would be great! After this legal judgement is hopefully decided in our favor, the next step would be the NC Supreme Court, and it would be extremely unusual for that court to decide to intervene, especially if we win at this level. ...
... Read Moreby Miss Libby
Posted on Tue Oct 10 2017
Lake Trace Fishermen contacted the Lake Hotline October 4th and here is what happened.
Your concerns about the temp fix on the dam (leakage and low water) were sent to Escalante and the issue was addressed, if not resolved yet. We are waiting to hear WHEN the monies will be approved and the two dam problems will be fixed. With current rainy weather, the lake has come up a bit. The TUFF Club will continue to seek answers to how Escalante plans to address silt control and dam repairs. Voice your concerns to Libby at 919-499-1300.
From Tim Hart: Let me assure you the dam is fine. "We have gotten prices to fix the valve but it has yet to be approved. Once approved we will complete that task. Until then we have left the drain plug out to keep the lake level down in case of a storm. Once we get past the storm season we will plug the hole and hopefully by that time the gate will be repaired as well. Until then this is our only way to help the homeowners who have issues with flooding during a storm. I am sorry I haven't communicated that. Every day I come thru the gate I tell myself to get an email out to convey this and everyday it seems I get busy and seem to forget. So thanks for the email. It reminds me I need to communicate a little better. I will let you know when we get the repairs complete. Thanks Tim Hart"
... Read Moreby Miss Libby
Posted on Fri Oct 06 2017
On September 28th, Buster, Pepe and I enjoyed a second trip to two beautiful ponds off Route 421 to teach a new group of First Baptist Church youngsters in the fun art of fishing. Eleven middle school children in the year-round program had some time off and learned some knot-tying and equipment safety tips from Mr. Buster. We were blessed with another beautiful day and from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. 54 fish were caught and released by this energetic group. The girls caught the most with 27 giant bluegills and two bass, with the boys catching 21 bluegills and three bass (including the biggest bass.) Check out the smiles in our picture gallery! TUFF members had a blast again! :O)
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