by Miss Libby
Posted on Fri Nov 10 2017
This info was originally posted Prior to the meeting with the BOC. Big Trace turnout (nine residents spoke for an appeal) and Lee County BOC did vote unanimously to appeal to the NC Supreme Court. From Kay Cole: Here is an update to how this meeting will work. Please plan to attend the January 2 meeting of the Lee County Board of Commissioners at 6 p.m. at the Lee Government Center, 106 Hillcrest Drive. County Commissioners - at the beginning of the meeting - will take public comments. If you wish to encourage Commissioners to vote to appeal the Court of Appeals Little River Quarry decision to the Supreme Court you can sign up to speak (up to 3 minutes) before the start of their meeting. After public comment, Commissioners will take up regular business. There are only a few matters on their agenda. When they finish regular business, the Commissioners will go into Executive Session (closed to the public) with their attorneys to discuss the Little River court ruling. Commissioners then will return to OPEN SESSION to make any motions and to take any votes. This will be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Under the Open Meetings law, all official business must be conducted IN PUBLIC. So, please plan to attend and stay for the entire County Commission meeting.
The LCBOC voted unanimously to appeal the Court of Appeals decision to grant Little River Quarry a special use permit. This matter will be appealed to the NC Supreme Court and they will decide whether to consider the case or let the appeal stand. So it ain't over yet, folks. :O(