by Miss Libby
Posted on Mon Dec 12 2016
by Miss Libby
Posted on Thu Dec 08 2016
If you catch any kind of fish from Lake Trace that doesn't look healthy, call me at the Lake Trace Hotline 919-499-1300. Since 2008 I have been TUFF Director and have only gotten a handful of e-mails and pictures from concerned fishermen which I am posting in the gallery below. (Click on Read More and then click on each picture to see caption.) All pictures of the bass were sent to a NCWRC fish biologist.
The back tumors caused a lot of interest with NCWRC and if you catch one with back sores, call me. I will bring a cooler of ice to the Hidden Lake marina, where you can drop the fish off and I will immediately call Mike and the State will send it to Auburn University for analysis.
There was speculation from TUFF members that the fish could have been caught by an eagle or osprey and dropped and an infection from talon punctures occurred. Our current contact at the Division of Inland Fisheries is Mike Fisk 919-758-9024 (cell) and here is his comment on the bass with the large growth on its mouth: "It’s some kind of tumor, probably the result of catch and release looking at the location but could also be coincidence. I would not worry about a few fish with tumors, it can be present in any population. If you start seeing a lot of them then maybe we should look into it a little more. Its up to you to decide whether to cull those fish or not. Again if its just a few fish that have them, they w ...
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Posted on Thu Dec 01 2016
Two TUFF members became proactive when they noticed a new aquatic plant blossoming up Carr's Creek (at 18 Creek golf cart bridge) and in the Lakewood basin (on the right when you enter Lake Trace.) Please note that I am leaving contact details (phone#s, etc.) of the experts they found to help them identify these "good plants" which provide protection for young fish and help filter the water. Thanks Lee & Mike!(Click on Read More and Gallery pictures to see captions.)Thinking it might be the deadly invasive "alligator weed", Lee Amcher (GW) contacted Drew Long (336-212-2872) of Pond Services (pictured above taking samples in Carr Creek.) Here is Drew's report: "After further examination of the aquatic weeds growing on the Lake Trace shoreline, an opinion has been formed that the majority of weeds are: HYDFROLEA QUADRIVALVIS, (water pod ) with a mixture of creeping water primrose." There is an abundance of these aquatic plants in Carr’s Creek by the #3 and #4 holes of the Creek Course. Parts of the creek are already being choked off. Other areas are between the number 3 and 18 bridges of the Creek Course and along the right side of the right entrance lake to Carolina Trace.
Mike Bentley (WM) connected with Rob Emens and here is the e-mail information he received.Mike,Thanks for contacting me. You offered a good clue... small purple flower. Two plants come to mind. Photos don’t show enough detail for me to differentiate.Water Willow (Justicia americana) has a somewhat delicate lavender and white flower.Water Pod (Hydrolea quadrivalvis) ... Read More
by Miss Libby
Posted on Sat Nov 12 2016
Sometime between Hurricane Florence and Hurricane Matthew … between the ups and downs of our beautiful Lake Trace … on a pile of debris mid-lake on the North side shoreline … a Spark of Hope stirred in the small gnome that rested in its wood cradle rocking gently by a then mild current.
Soon a caring and kind-hearted fisherman out testing the still waters and perhaps throwing a wacky rig Senko with a slow retrieve … spotted this lone survivor of that first most fierce and unfortunate event.
A rescue was made. It was a sign!
Hope restored. We will survive. All will be well.
Happy New Year from the Lake Trace Gnome!
Please note: the happy survivor was carefully placed on a dock near the CTCC Marina, and is patiently waiting to hear about dam repairs .... ... Read More
by Miss Libby
Posted on Sun Nov 06 2016
Cormorants are large, migratory fish-eating birds whose numbers have exploded in the last fifteen years. They are a menace to any body of water that has a fish population. By diving and swimming underwater, these birds can each eat PER DAY one to 1 ½ pounds of forage fish (like shad) and small sport fish (like bass minnows and sunfish fry). Since the Lake Trace bass also depend on this diet, you can imagine the negative effect this Cormorant Competition has on the growth and survival of our fishery. In addition, these birds leave massive amounts of feces wherever they roost which destroys vegetation, kills trees, pollutes the water, and prevents families from enjoying their now guano-covered docks or boats, as well as reducing their property values. Lastly and most unfortunately, these birds are beginning to nest in the South rather than migrating back to their traditional breeding sites in the North. Their numbers have substantially increased in Lake Trace during the winter months to the point that serious concerns have been raised by Trace fishermen and residents alike.
Fortunately, when these concerns were presented to CTCC owner Escalante, Inc., General Manager John Fairall readily agreed that non-lethal options of bird deterrents should be granted to lakefront residents who have roosting birds. In addition, Trace fishermen can help residents with “annoyance tactics” when they see diving or roosting birds. Note: CT residents may be hearing some noise!
Suggestions for “sight, sound and motion” range from banging pot lids together, slapping 2x4s (sounds like a gunshot), using blasts from air horns, firecrackers, slingshots with handfuls of gravel, evil eye balloons (attached), flashy Mylar tape hung in trees, decoys like rubber snakes or blow-ups of predators.
Information was received from the North Carolina Wildlif ...
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