by Miss Libby
Posted on Wed Apr 25 2018
Our 7th Annual TUFF Fish for Fun Lesson on March 31st showcased a warmer and less windy day, THANK GOODNESS! We had seven Kid Casters, most from the Carolina Trace children which were on the Traditional School calendar, but also visiting grandchildren from a year-round program out of state that happened to have Spring Break the same time as Lee County. Nine adults including TUFF volunteers brought our participant count up to 16.
The Good News is that fish were biting and 20 fish were caught and released at the dock. Every Kid Caster caught something! (We make sure of that!)
As usual, we have some tentative winners in our seasonal 2018 TUFF Youth Division Catfish and Crappie Categories. (The Tuff Derby runs until November 15th each year). Click on Read More and you will see a caption if you click on each picture! Congrats to our KC kids!
Join the fun and register your child's catch this year! Our Youth Division (16 and under) has Bass, Crappie, BREAM and Catfish Categories from Lake Trace and any pond in Trace (if you live in the POA who owns that pond).
Our next Spring Break event is April 5th with the Lee County Boys and Girls Club. If you would like to volunteer to teach kids at this event, just call Libby at 919-499-1300.